School Closings
It shall be school policy to take the following steps or procedures during inclement weather in which school will be called off or buses will not run, or that students may have to be sent home during the day:
A. The decision to open school in the morning during inclement weather will rest with the Superintendent of the Huron Public School. He/she shall determine, and properly announce, early dismissal due to weather conditions.
Factors entering into this judgment might include the following:
Snowfall, wind, and temperature (wind chill factor);
Dangerous driving conditions;
Weather forecasts in the early morning or during the day:
Other weather conditions determined to be serious enough to warrant school dismissal.
B. The recommendation to operate the buses in the city and rural area during inclement weather will rest with the Transportation Supervisor of Huron Public School. Information received from rural patrons, the bus supervisor, national weather service, and city officials will weigh heavily on his recommendation to the Superintendent. The Superintendent will ultimately make the final decision.
In some instances, buses will operate on a limited schedule. In those instances, it may be desirable for parents to bring their child/children to meet the bus so that they can be transported to school.
C. The Superintendent will notify the news media whenever the regular school day is to be altered. The Transportation Supervisor will notify the bus supervisor as to the operation of the bus runs.
D. If weather conditions are such that a late school start and late bus run seem advisable, such announcement shall be given to the news media.
E. The decision by a principal to release any children from school (such as to individual parental custody) because of inclement weather during the day is permissible.
F. The ultimate decision as to whether or not an individual student goes to school during inclement weather is the responsibility of the parent. If the parent decides weather conditions are such that the child should not go to school, a note to the principal will excuse the child for the time missed.
G. When school is in operation and the buses do not operate in the rural areas, teachers and administrators should realize that these rural students are absent not because of their choosing and that schoolwork and related activities should be governed by this fact. If there are questions relative to this, teachers are encouraged to talk with their principals.
H. In the absence of the Superintendent of Schools, decisions shall be rendered by his designees.
I. The principal is to develop a contingency plan with each family regarding the procedure to follow for the dismissal of students if inclement weather forces the early closing of school.